
August 30, 2002
Planet Blue Brings Honda Fantasy to Life

August 30, 2002
Planet Blue Gives Fitness Buffs The Power

August 30, 2002
Planet Blue Helps Washington Mutual Bring Civility Back to Banking

August 22, 2002
Planet Blue and Washington Mututal "Full Monty"

June 22, 2001
Planet Blue Puts A Spin on Golf for Callaway

April 12, 2001
Exstream Media Provides Animation for Lucas Arts Star Wars Starfighter Game

April 2, 2001
Exstream Media Debuts 3D Character Animation Player for the Internet

March 23, 2001
CEO of Exstream Media and President of Planet Blue

March 14, 2001
Planet Blue Provided Effects and Compositing for Foreign Spots

September 26, 2000
Planet Blue Tames Dodge Ram in the Wild

June 17, 2000
CGI Artist Konstantin Promokhov Joins Planet Blue

June 14, 2000
Planet Blue Captures Soul of Internet for Inktomi

April 19, 2000
ExStream Media Debuts 3D Character Animation Player for the Internet

March 30, 2000
Planet Blue Wraps Effects for "Spaceship"

January 12, 2000
Planet Blue Explodes for NextCard

November 27, 1999
Planet Blue Gives Purell Film Noir Look

October 4, 1999
Aliens Invade Planet Blue for TiVo

September 14, 1999
Nature Reveals True Color For EVE.COM Spots

July 23, 1999
Planet Blue Supervises Effects for T.G.I Friday's Spot from Pre-Production Throughout Post

June 26, 1999
Planet Blue Wraps CGI/ Effects for Bandaid Blister

March 28, 1999
Planet Blue Conjures Talking Moose for PEP Boys Spot

January 5, 1999
Planet Blue Shatters the Conventions of Corporate America for Micron Electrons

November 28, 1998
Planet Blue Builds Island for State Farm

May 26, 1998
Planet Blue Propels AT&T Signal at Time Warp Speed
Creative Director Mike Rosenfelt:
After creating the effects for "Anthem," Micron Electronics creative director Mike Rosenfelt remarked, "The team at Planet Blue are angles, gods, magicians. They worked above and beyond the call of duty. Bottom line: They're the hottest effects house in Los Angeles.

Cambell Ewald Advertising, L.A. Agency Executive VP/Creative Director Lance Mald:
Upon completion of the DirecTV advertising campaign from Cambell Ewald Advertising, L.A., agency executive VP/creative director Lance Mald remarked, "All I can say about working at Planet Blueis it live or is it CGI?"

DDB Needham Producer Ann Rubenstein:
"When you consider all of the permutations we went through to accomplish "Moose," it came out great. Planet Blue took something seemingly difficult and made it so simple," said DDB Needham producer Ann Rubenstein.

Publicis Agency Producer Harvey Lewis:
When the T.G.I. Friday's spot "Just a Second," wrapped, Publicis agency producer Harvey Lewis said, "Without Planet Blue doing roadmaps and working with the DP and director on set, it wouldn't have gone as smoothly. There would've been many more obstacles in post which would have meanmajor cost overruns. Strategizing through elaborate diagrams, it was clear that Planet Blue had it down to a science."

Director Chel White:
To the rhythm of jazz and beat poetry, Planet Blue provided digital effects and compositing for the Coors Red Light campaign. Director Chel White said, "Planet Blue did and amazing job tracking shots, some handheld, others panning without motion control. They extracted stills and animated sequences to comp them with shadowy figures into live action scenes shot only with the projection of a red spotlight. I couldn't believe how accomplished they were, retaining the look and integrity of the original film footage while appropriating movements of various elements in the scene."

Arnold Ingalls Moranville Executive Producer Steffny Wallace:
"The Inktome advertising concept was fairly abstract from a visual standpoint," explained Arnold Ingalls Moranville executive producer Steffny Wallace. "I was confident that Planet Blue could translate the print concept into dynamic television spots, in essence functioning as production company as well as visual effects house. Their work was utterly amazing which is why we have built a long standing relationship with them."

Arnold Ingalls Moranville Partner David Moranville:
For the NextCard campaign, Arnold Ingalls Moranville partner David Moranville exclaimed, "Working at Planet Blue is like going to see the wizard with a bent broom and coming out with ruby slippers."

Campbell Mithun Executive Producer Evan Petty:
For the Campbell Mithun Esty award-winning Hostess spots, executive producer Evan Petty, exclaimed, "The gags were pulled off transparently, thanks to Planet Blue. In the past we used animatronics so the animals could talk at the end of the spots but this year we didn't have time to do that. That meant the visual effects team at Planet Blue had to make the cat talk. Every conceivable combination of media was used in these spotsCGI on live action, live action on CGI, pure CGI and lip sync animationwhich Planet Blue handled beautifully."

Director Rupert Wainwright:
After providing CGI, effects and compositing for the Gatorade spot "Wall," directed by Rupert Wainwright and starring Micheal Jordan, Foote Cone & Belding's art director David T. Jones, said, "When Planet Blue turned our designs into the third dimension, it gave me the chills. They brought this amazing sense of realism and movement to the spot that we couldn't begin to envision because of their talent in computer graphics design and compositing."

Bates USA associate creative director and art director Mark Anderson:
After identifying the need to create a whilwind for "Newsstand," a Hyundai spot, directed by Graham Henman, Bates USA associate creative director and art director Mark Anderson, remarked, "For the test, there was so little to work with but we could see from the results that computer graphics was the way to go and that Planet Blue was the place to do it."

Upshot Producer Joann Topetzes:
With the launch of Sony's Maximum Television campaign by Chicago agency Upshot, which created two dramatic spots featuring Sony DVD and Sony Surround Sound Speakers, agency producer Joann Topetzes, exclaimed "With Mikael Salomon shooting the live action and landscape plates, we needed the effects to be just spectaculer. The team at Planet Blue really delivered-the effects are beautiful and the composites seamless. They are, without question, some of the fastest, most capable effects artists I've ever worked with. I would entrust Planet Blue with any big effects job."

Foote Cone Belding Senior Producer Rob Thomas:
Following the completion of the AT&T Wireless Services "Cannonball" spot, Foote Cone Belding senior producer Rob Thomas said, "The Santa Monicabased effects house is a boon to those working on sophisticated post projects on the west side. They deliver 3D and sophisticated effects and compositing from the industry's top talent at the ideal location. That's why I'll be back."

Ritts/Hayden Producer David Hofflich:
Regarding the graphic intensive Purell "Hands Anthem" spot, Ritts/Hayden producer David Hofflich concluded, "Planet Blue was in sync with Lrent, the designer, so the project really went well. They met the challenge and we're very pleased with the results."